Monday, May 17, 2010

1st Swap in P.B

The first swap was a lot of fun, with a citrus theme; Grapefruit, Lemons and Lemon Seedlings.

The topic of "pill bugs" aka "Rollee Pollee" was brought up . These little guys love to eat your young veggie plants (I don't care what some of the opinions are out there to the contrary). In my case, the garden was overrun by a vast "pill bug hoard" devouring my young cucumber, cantaloupe, pumpkin and watermelon seedlings.

Population control:
Diatomaceous Earth at the base of the plants was one option.
Another method was to place grapefruit/cantaloupe halves or banana peels to trap them, then scoop them up and dump them in soapy water.

Preventative maintenance:
Pill Bugs are active at night and like moisture. Keep the topsoil relatively dry at night by only watering in the morning.
Keep mulch away from young plants.

The cut off beer can w/beer method did not work for me, plus it waisted (both good and bad) beer.

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